Wednesday, January 14, 2009


So I'm a bit bugged. Let me explain. A few weeks ago our volleyball team got together to practice with great anticipation that we were going to be better this year and win a few more games. We have a sponsor and are ready.

Now, fast forward a few weeks, 1 week before game day. Our team was told that we were too late to sign up because we had missed "the deadline" and that the schedules were done and printed. We had never even heard the volleyball buzz around town. So, needless to say our team was mighty sad. Today I saw one of my teammates at the local grocery store. I told her I was bummed to be missing out on volleyball. Her response, "I'm furious." She says she called the girl in charge of the volleyball and was told a completely different story. She was planning on creating the schedule within a few days of their conversation. My teammate said that girl was very rude to her on the phone and very condescending. Hello!?! Are we back in high school? This county volleyball is supposed to be an out for women, a way to make new friends, and a way to get out of the house once a week.

I admit that our team could use some improvement, okay, a lot of improvement, but we went and had fun. We weren't there to win. Is competition that important? Are we just not part of the "in" crowd and so we were kicked out? Were we excluded because we were not the "bod squad" or the team with the most breast augmentations? I didn't know being on a high school team and being able to "spike" or "tip" the ball with control was a prerequisite. I'm not sure what the reasoning, but they all seem rather lame. Can we all just grow up a little and be friends? She also said that another team from our town was not allowed to play. (The other teams are mostly from the northern part of the county.)

Next year they might think differently. My good old teammate is going to make some waves and we WILL be playing. She might be getting herself a job as the head hancho. However, I have no doubts that if she does things will be fair and fun. In the meantime, we are going to see if we can get the other outcast team together with us and have some fun. Here's to my brave teammate...may the force be with you!

1 comment:

Momnerd said...

Wow, how lame is that? I'm sorry you're not going to get to do it this year. Maybe you guys should put together your own thing for the south side of the county. I'd love to play if I didn't think people would laugh at me...